"Proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness"
Acts 28.31
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our Core values
We are Christ-Exalting
Worship is the ultimate priority and chief end of man. It is the highest purpose for which the Christian has been redeemed: to enjoy God and to make much of Him. Whether through song, giving, Scripture reading, or preaching, we would see God exalted as the centerpiece of our highest love and adoration.

It can be an intimidating experience visiting a new church.
We Creatures of habit don't like change!
We tried to do our best to anticipate what those ask when considering attending another church. Below you will find some of the most frequently asked questions with a brief response. If we have not covered something of interest or concern, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.
What about communion?
Appointed by Jesus to be celebrated by the Church until his return, we celebrate weekly. Only those who have trusted Jesus Christ for their salvation, have turned from their sin, and have been baptized may partake with us. To honor the strict warnings given in Scripture and for conscience sake, we ask our visitors to allow the elements to pass until we have personally affirmed your testimony and baptism in the Faith.

Why Go to Church?
The Church is a place where true community may be found by restoration of one's relationship with God, a place of refuge and refreshment.
Every walk of life ought to be found there, bound in unity, and leaning on one another for strength and encouragement as they work through life's challenges together. A place where those come to realize their true meaning and purpose; their identity in Christ.
What about Kids?
We are an all-inclusive family friendly service. Children are a blessing from God and should be included in worship as a part of the congregation.
"When you look out into the congregation you should see the congregation... We should welcome the wiggling and the squirming." ~ Al Mohler

Why Confessional?
We found The 1689 London Baptist Confession to be a crucial reference for unity and clarification. As stated, "A confession is a tried and true teaching tool. It lays out the faith in a clear, systematic way and shows the connections among doctrines. It also serves as a standard by which teaching in the church can be measured." That is why we refer to it as the backbone of our statement of faith.
What to wear?
Since all walks of life are welcome, so one should be comfy in their favored threads. We tend to be more casual, but by all means, don't let that keep you from wearing your Sunday's best.
Our Lord is far more concerned with the inward condition of the heart rather than outward affects. Come as you are and what fits you best.

What goes on in the service?

Our entire service is viewed as an act of worship.
In Song:
We joyfully sing together to a mixture and blend of both modern song and traditional hymns with Jesus being at center stage in place of a large production.
In Teaching:
God has chosen to personally communicate to us through written Word; to read and hear God's Word is to encounter God himself. Mindful of that reality we stick to the text to hear God's will, challenges to correct our thinking, and faithful direction for all of life.
In Prayer:
Jesus has broken the barrier between us and God giving us access to communicate freely with God through prayer. Because of that, our entire service is saturated in prayer from beginning to end. Further, it is our great honor and privilege to pray with and for you and as per custom our staff will be available to do so with you at the end of every service.
Will I fit In?
We think so! People just like you, who desire a genuine community that does life in a way that honors and glorifies God. To be living examples of Gospel change in serving others through the transformative power of the Gospel effecting neighborhoods, workplaces, cities, and the world. You will find all walks of life among us; we eagerly welcome all the more.
If there's anything that hasn't been covered here that you may still have questions about, please ask!